In consideration of you, OASIS TOTS PTE LTD, a company registered under the Singapore Companies Act (UEN No. 202317504H) and having its registered office at 163 BUKIT MERAH CENTRAL #03-3581, Singapore 150163 (hereinafter referred to as the “Oasis Tots”) providing Children Playgroup Services to my child/children named herein, I do hereby agree as follows:
1. I understand that my child/children are conveyed to and/or from Oasis Tots at my own risk and not at the risk of the Oasis Tots. I agree that Oasis Tots shall not be liable or be responsible for any accident or personal injury sustained or suffered by my child/children or for my child's death or for any damage to my child's personal belongings, however caused, whilst my child/children is on Oasis Tots premises. I hereby release Oasis Tots from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, actions or causes of action on account of or arising from any of the foregoing matters, including such action that may be taken by Oasis Tots subsequent to any accident or incident in which personal injury has occurred.
2. VOLUNTARY ASSUMPTION OF RISK: While Oasis Tots agrees to exercise reasonable care of my child/children during their stay with Oasis Tots, I understand and agree that the staff at Oasis Tots are not trained medical professionals and do not have backgrounds in medicine and are not expected to diagnose or detect illnesses or injuries in my child/children.
I agree and acknowledge:
(a) that no amount of vaccination, sanitation or personalised care can prevent my child/children from contracting any communicable diseases and/or microbial infections;
(b) that unbeknownst to me, my child/children may have pre-existing, undiagnosed and/or underlying conditions prior to engaging Oasis Tots, and it is not possible to exhaustively identify all conditions before, during and after their stay with Oasis Tots. Oasis Tots shall inform me if they identify any such conditions that require my decision whether to stay at the Centre or to have them taken away, and that Oasis Tots shall not be held responsible for any of my child/children’s pre-existing, undiagnosed and/or underlying conditions;
(c) that Oasis Tots cannot be held responsible for development of any new conditions after their stay, and it is my responsibility to ensure my child/children is cared for as required;
(d) I agree to be responsible for all medical treatment for my child/children;
(e) I agree to hereby exempt, release and waive all rights to claim against Oasis Tots from all liability or responsibility whatsoever for injury, illness, or death, however caused, except where such has been caused by the negligence of Oasis Tots.
3. MEDICAL ATTENTION: In the event of injury and/or emergency and/or when Oasis Tots in their sole discretion deems immediate medical care is required, I authorise Oasis Tots to obtain medical attention for my child as may be reasonable and available in the circumstances and Oasis Tots shall notify me of the same at the earliest opportunity.
4. I undertake to pay all medical and hospital fees and incidental charges in respect of medical attention given to my child/children and to reimburse Oasis Tots for any such fees and charges and all incidental costs and expenses which may have been paid by Oasis Tots.
5. I further agree to indemnify Oasis Tots against any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, actions or causes of action which my child/children, his/her next-of-kin, parent, guardian, personal representatives and/or dependents may bring, make or have against Oasis Tots on account of any matters stated above.
6. Reference herein to Oasis Tots shall include references to Oasis Tots, its office bearers, employees, agents and other persons authorised by Oasis Tots from time to time.
7. A person who is not a party to this Agreement shall have no right by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act or otherwise to enforce any of the terms herein.